Liberation and Compassion

TvA International Foundation - Help Save A Soul

Liberation and Compassion: A Cause for Animal Sanctuaries

In the shadows of exploitation, abuse, and captivity, countless animals yearn for sanctuary – a place where they can find solace, healing, and the freedom to live their lives free from harm. The cause for animal sanctuaries champions a world where survivors of abuse, testing, and captivity can reclaim their dignity and experience the compassion they deserve. This cause calls for the establishment and support of sanctuaries that provide a haven for animals to heal, thrive, and rediscover the joy of living.


Rescuing the Rescued:

Animals subjected to abuse, testing, and captivity often endure immense physical and emotional trauma. The cause emphasizes the importance of rescuing these sentient beings from environments that have inflicted pain and suffering upon them. Animal sanctuaries become havens of hope, offering a second chance for survivors to experience kindness, care, and the opportunity to rebuild their lives.


Ending Animal Testing and Exploitation:

The cause for animal sanctuaries extends beyond rescue efforts; it is a clarion call to end the practices that lead to animal abuse, including testing and exploitation. By advocating for alternatives to animal testing, promoting cruelty-free practices, and supporting policies that prioritize animal welfare, we aim to create a world where animals are not subjected to unnecessary suffering in the name of science, entertainment, or industry.


Providing Lifetime Care:

Animal sanctuaries commit to providing lifetime care for residents who may be unable to return to the wild due to physical or psychological challenges. These sanctuaries become forever homes, offering expansive habitats, proper nutrition, and veterinary care. The cause highlights the significance of creating environments where animals can live out their days in peace, free from the fear of exploitation or harm.


Educating and Advocating for Change:

The cause is a powerful advocate for education and awareness. By fostering understanding about the impact of abuse, testing, and captivity on animals, we strive to inspire a collective shift in consciousness. Through educational programs, advocacy efforts, and community engagement, we work towards creating a society that values the inherent worth and rights of every living being.


Community Involvement and Support:

The success of the cause for animal sanctuaries relies on the active involvement and support of communities. By volunteering, donating, or advocating for ethical treatment of animals, individuals contribute to the mission of providing sanctuary and healing for survivors of abuse. The cause encourages a groundswell of support that transcends geographic boundaries, creating a global movement for the welfare of animals.



The cause for animal sanctuaries is a beacon of compassion, guiding us towards a world where every being can experience freedom, respect, and the right to live without fear. Through our collective efforts, we can build sanctuaries that not only rescue and rehabilitate but also inspire a paradigm shift in how society views and treats animals. Together, let us create a world where compassion triumphs over cruelty, and every creature finds sanctuary in the arms of empathy and care.


What We Do

TvA International Foundation Causes

Protection, Safety and Happiness

A Cause for Every Child

Liberation and Compassion

A Cause for Animal Sanctuaries

Embracing Hope

A Cause for Children Suffering from Life-Limiting Illnesses

Guardians of the Wild

A Cause for Wildlife Conservation

Nourishing Communities

A Cause for Clean Food

Ripple Effect

A Cause for Clean Water

Bridging Compassion

Veterinary Care for the Pets of Homeless

Unseen Voices

A Cause for Abandoned Animals and Children

Sustaining Harmony

A Cause for Nature and Environment Conservation

Listen To Music – Save A Paw

A Charity Concert Series for Stray Animals in Bulgaria