Listen To Music – Save A Paw

TvA International Foundation - Help Save A Soul

Listen to Music - Save A Paw: A Charity Concert for Stray and Homeless Animals in Bulgaria

In the harmonious spirit of giving, we invite you to join us in a melody of compassion at the "Listen to Music - Save A Paw" Charity Concert Series. This musical extravaganza is not just an auditory delight; it's a harmonious call to action, resonating with the purpose of aiding our four-legged friends - the stray and homeless animals of Bulgaria. As the notes of the concert echo, so does our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of these vulnerable beings.


The Plight of Stray and Homeless Animals in Bulgaria:

Bulgaria, like many other places around the world, is home to countless stray and homeless animals facing daily challenges for survival. These animals endure hunger, exposure to the elements, and often suffer from untreated illnesses and injuries. The "Listen to Music - Save A Paw" Charity Concert Series aims to shine a spotlight on their plight, rallying support to provide them with the care, shelter, and love they so desperately need.


Musical Altruism:

Music has the power to transcend boundaries, evoke emotions, and inspire change. By bringing together talented artists and compassionate listeners, this charity concert becomes a platform to create awareness and generate funds for the welfare of stray and homeless animals. Through the universal language of music, we can amplify our collective impact and make a tangible difference in the lives of these voiceless beings.


Benefiting Organizations and Initiatives:

The proceeds from the "Listen to Music - Save A Paw" Charity Concert Series will be directed towards reputable animal welfare organizations and initiatives in Bulgaria. These organizations work tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome stray and homeless animals. Your support will contribute to funding medical treatments, vaccinations, spaying/neutering programs, and the establishment of shelters, creating a safer and more humane environment for these animals.


How You Can Make a Difference:

Your participation in the charity concert is not only an opportunity to enjoy exceptional music but also a chance to be a part of positive change. By purchasing tickets, making donations, or spreading the word about the cause, you play a crucial role in improving the lives of stray and homeless animals. Together, our collective efforts will create a symphony of compassion that echoes far beyond the concert venue.


Join Us in Harmony:

As the melodies fill the air at the "Listen to Music - Save A Paw" Charity Concert Series, let us unite in a shared commitment to the well-being of our furry friends. Your attendance and support are instrumental in making this event a resounding success, echoing a message of hope and kindness for the stray and homeless animals of Bulgaria. Let the music play, and together, let's save a paw.



TvA International Foundation Causes

Protection, Safety and Happiness

A Cause for Every Child

Liberation and Compassion

A Cause for Animal Sanctuaries

Embracing Hope

A Cause for Children Suffering from Life-Limiting Illnesses

Guardians of the Wild

A Cause for Wildlife Conservation

Nourishing Communities

A Cause for Clean Food

Ripple Effect

A Cause for Clean Water

Bridging Compassion

Veterinary Care for the Pets of Homeless

Unseen Voices

A Cause for Abandoned Animals and Children

Sustaining Harmony

A Cause for Nature and Environment Conservation

Listen To Music – Save A Paw

A Charity Concert Series for Stray Animals in Bulgaria