Protection, Safety and Happiness

TvA International Foundation - Help Save A Soul

A Cause for Every Child: Protection, Safety and Happiness


In the tapestry of our society, children are the most precious threads, weaving dreams, innocence, and boundless potential. Yet, not every child enjoys the safety, protection, and happiness they deserve. This cause is a rallying cry for the collective commitment to ensure every child's right to a childhood filled with security, joy, and the promise of a bright future.


The Imperative of Protection:

Children deserve an environment where they can thrive without fear. Protection encompasses safeguarding children from all forms of harm – be it physical, emotional, or psychological. It involves creating secure spaces where their vulnerability is shielded, ensuring they can explore, learn, and grow without compromise. This cause calls for the establishment of robust child protection systems that actively prevent abuse, exploitation, and neglect.


Ensuring Safety in Every Aspect:

Safety is the cornerstone upon which children build their foundation for the future. It extends beyond physical safety to encompass access to nutritious food, clean water, healthcare, and education. A child who feels safe is better equipped to explore their potential, form relationships, and contribute meaningfully to society. This cause advocates for comprehensive safety nets, including child-friendly infrastructure, safe spaces, and accessible resources that foster a secure environment for every child.


Nurturing Happiness and Well-being:

Happiness is not a luxury but a fundamental right for every child. This cause champions initiatives that prioritize mental and emotional well-being, recognizing that a happy child is more likely to grow into a resilient and fulfilled adult. By promoting positive experiences, nurturing relationships, and providing avenues for creative expression, we can sow the seeds of happiness that will blossom throughout a child's life.


Educational Empowerment:

Education is the key to unlocking a child's potential and breaking the chains of generational poverty. This cause advocates for inclusive and equitable access to quality education for all children, irrespective of their background. By investing in educational initiatives, we empower children to dream big, acquire essential skills, and become active participants in shaping a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


Community Collaboration:

The cause for protection, safety, and happiness for children is a call to action that transcends individual efforts. It requires a collective commitment from communities, governments, non-profit organizations, and individuals alike. By fostering partnerships, sharing resources, and advocating for policies that prioritize children's well-being, we can create an environment where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.



Protection, safety, and happiness are the birthright of every child. This cause invites us to be champions for the vulnerable, the voiceless, and the future leaders of our world. By standing together, we can weave a safety net that ensures every child grows up in an environment that nurtures their potential, safeguards their well-being, and allows them to experience the pure joy of childhood. Let us join hands to create a world where the rights of every child are not just protected on paper but are lived and celebrated every day.



TvA International Foundation Causes

Protection, Safety and Happiness

A Cause for Every Child

Liberation and Compassion

A Cause for Animal Sanctuaries

Embracing Hope

A Cause for Children Suffering from Life-Limiting Illnesses

Guardians of the Wild

A Cause for Wildlife Conservation

Nourishing Communities

A Cause for Clean Food

Ripple Effect

A Cause for Clean Water

Bridging Compassion

Veterinary Care for the Pets of Homeless

Unseen Voices

A Cause for Abandoned Animals and Children

Sustaining Harmony

A Cause for Nature and Environment Conservation

Listen To Music – Save A Paw

A Charity Concert Series for Stray Animals in Bulgaria